The City of Dubuque and Kids In Dubuque Skate (KIDS) will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the new skate park project at Flora Park at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 16.
The public is invited to attend the event which will be held at the project site on Flora Park Road, accessible from Wilbricht Lane on the north side of Flora Park. The event will include remarks from Dubuque Mayor Roy D. Buol; Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson Jennifer Tigges, Laura Bies, a member of the KIDS Board of Directors; and Park Division Manager Stephen Fehsal.
You can find a fly-through of the design on our youtube channel.
The project includes a concrete skate park with security lighting, drinking fountain, ADA parking space, storm water management features, and fiber optic connectivity and security cameras.
The approximately $850,000 project is being funded by $600,000 in City of Dubuque funds and more than $250,000 in private donations collected by the KIDS in Dubuque Skate Organization. Construction is scheduled to be completed by December 2018.